Category: SQL-Ledger

SQL-Ledger REST API: get ‘/gl/transactions

The next route we work on is get ‘/gl/transactions’. This is will be different from ‘gl/transactionslines/’, since this will be filtering out data and only returning transactions made directly through…
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The backend of the new SQL-Ledger will be a REST-API. The goal with the API will be making use of the existing modules inside the “SL” as much as possible…
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SQL Ledger Install Script

SQL-Ledger Install Scripts

Installing SQL-Ledger is simple. I have two simple scripts available as well that install and configure SQL-Ledger with Apache and Postgress. The scripts also get and configure a SSL certificate…
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SQL-ledger GL Screen

Re-developing SQL-Ledger: Intro

SQL-Ledger, developed around 20 years ago, is one of the most robust and feature-rich free accounting systems, easily competing with offerings like Quickbooks and Xero. It supports over 20 languages…
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